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Space Vikings photoshoot featuring NASA Ames Director

December 12, 2012  •  Leave a Comment



Space Vikings Photoshoot - 

NASA Ames is at the forefront of innovation in the modern space race and we're aiming to encapsulate that spirit in an up-coming photo shoot by featuring its director, Dr. Pete Worden, chief of staff, Ms. Bradford and executive secretary to the director, Ms. Rudisel as Viking explorers. They'll be shown in full costume, 'catapulting' CubeSats-the next generation of tiny satellites-into orbit with a trebuchet. We expect this shoot to be a very memorable experience and so we'd like to invite you to come out and see for yourself. It is the second piece in Physics In Voguea photography exhibition that aims to shed light on profound contemporary physics discoveries by combining fashion photography, laboratory grade optical effects and scientific accuracy to create visual representations of complex science.

This project is supported by the 2011 Stanford University Angel Grant and SiCA Spark! Grant.

No other funding was received for this science outreach exhibition.

   The event will be held at Palo Alto's Foothills Park (address: 3300 Page Mill Rd., Los Altos, CA - map below) and will be taking place this Friday from 13:30 to 15:30. We'll be meeting near the park's interpretive center. 

   We are pleased to have the help of several wonderful volunteers, including the living history group, Vikings of Bjornstad, the fantastic makeup artist, Inna Mathews, and CubeSat Satellites on loan from Prof. Andrew Kalman at Pumpkin Inc. We look forward to a memorable shoot! Join us for snacks and beverages beforehand and come with your Viking spirit of exploration!


Map of Foothills Park


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