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Uploaded 4-Sep-12
Taken 9-Sep-12
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Dimensions10000 x 5404
Original file size25.1 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified10-Sep-12 02:51
Vehicle Assembly Building

Vehicle Assembly Building

Twelve months ago one of the most iconic 20th-Century figures—the Space Shuttle—was finally retired. Apart from its legacy of science and exploration, the Space Shuttle inspired generations of children who grew up with the image of it arcing upwards into the blue sky atop its orange external fuel tank and solid-rocket booster.

With the shuttle program abandoned, the Vehicle Assembly Building remains as a monument to this legendary 30 year run. The world’s largest single-story building, its sheer massiveness alone is impressive. But vastly more important, this is the workshop where the world’s most technologically sophisticated vehicles were assembled; where precision, invention and ambition led to ever greater scientific feats.

These views of the VAB were captured using a combination of processes including high dynamic range imaging as well as stereographic projection.

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