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Uploaded 4-Sep-12
Taken 21-Jun-11
Visitors 224

14 of 16 photos
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Photo Info

Dimensions10000 x 5779
Original file size25.5 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken21-Jun-11 09:12
Date modified10-Sep-12 02:52
Shooting Conditions

Exposure1/15 at f/5.6
ISO speedISO 1000
Orbiter Processing Facility

Orbiter Processing Facility

After a successful mission, after the exterior ceramic tiles were largely charred from the crucible of re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere, NASA’s space shuttles were hardly discarded. These space vehicles were engineered for reuse. But with over a million moving parts, each fundamental to the success and safety of the crew, the process of maintenance and preparation for each new flight was an extremely daunting task.

It was within the Orbiter Processing Facility that painstaking effort was put into checking each part of the shuttle’s systems, ensuring that the space craft was ready to safely fly again. On average, three months of exhaustive inspection would go into each shuttle, during which time worn and defective parts would be replaced. The recently retired space shuttle Discovery completed 39 successful missions, attesting to the excellence achieved in this hangar.

This image was captured from above the facility floor, using a composite of over 5000 photographs shot in every direction.

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