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Uploaded 4-Sep-12
Taken 26-Mar-12
Visitors 266

7 of 16 photos
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Photo Info

Dimensions10000 x 2955
Original file size24.7 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken26-Mar-12 13:20
Date modified10-Sep-12 02:50
Shooting Conditions

Exposure1/200 at f/9
ISO speedISO 200
The Magician's Pyramid

The Magician's Pyramid

The ruins of the ancient Mayan city, Uxmal, go from impressive to unbelievable when you consider that these large stone structures were constructed without the use of wheels. It makes the myth surrounding the Pyramid of the Magician—that the structure was conjured by a dwarf over a single night—seem almost comparably plausible.

Today the ancient city is well preserved, though photography has been greatly limited by the Mexican government. Capturing this panoramic, high dynamic range shot of the ruins was a very unique opportunity, and no other known photograph of such resolution and quality now exists. The photograph represents a stitched composite of over 5000 shots projected on an equirectangular plane, allowing you to not only appreciate the full 360° experience, but also enjoy the many fine details of the carved stone.

Click here to see more about the making of this image.